Honda Civic Catalytic Converter Theft

Honda Civic Catalytic Converter Theft: How to Protect Your Car from Thieves

Catalytic converter theft has become a growing problem in recent years, and Honda Civics are among the most targeted vehicles.

According to the National Insurance Crime Bureau, catalytic converter theft has increased by 326% in 2020 and another 353% in 2021.

Thieves are attracted to the precious metals found in catalytic converters, such as platinum, palladium, and rhodium, which can be sold for a high price on the black market.

Owners of Honda Civics are particularly vulnerable to catalytic converter theft because the converters are relatively easy to access and remove.

Thieves can slide under the car and cut off the converter in a matter of minutes. This can leave car owners with a hefty repair bill, as replacing a stolen catalytic converter can cost anywhere from $1,000 to $3,000.

In addition to the financial burden, car owners may also experience disruptions to their daily routine if their car is in the shop for an extended period of time.

Fortunately, there are steps that Honda Civic owners can take to protect their vehicles from catalytic converter theft.

By being proactive and taking preventative measures, car owners can reduce their risk of becoming a victim of this crime.

In the following sections, we will explore some of the ways that Honda Civic owners can safeguard their cars and avoid the headaches associated with catalytic converter theft.

Is Honda Civic a Common Target for Catalytic Converter Thieves?

Black Honda Civic

Catalytic converter theft is on the rise across the United States, with thieves targeting vehicles that have high-value metals in their catalytic converters.

While Honda Civics may not be the most targeted model for catalytic converter theft, they are still a popular target due to the high demand for Honda parts in the black market.

According to a report by the National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB), the Honda Civic was ranked as the 8th most targeted vehicle for catalytic converter theft in 2020.

The report also noted that Honda vehicles, in general, are popular targets for catalytic converter theft due to the value of their parts.

It is important to note that not all Honda Civics are equally at risk for catalytic converter theft.

Thieves tend to target vehicles that are easy to access and have high-value metals in their catalytic converters.

This means that older Honda Civics, which may have more valuable metals in their catalytic converters, are at a higher risk for theft.

However, newer Honda Civics are not immune to catalytic converter theft. Thieves have been known to target newer vehicles as well, especially if they are parked in areas that are poorly lit or not secured.

It is important for Honda Civic owners to take steps to protect their vehicles from catalytic converter theft, such as parking in well-lit areas, installing anti-theft devices, and etching their VIN numbers onto the catalytic converter.

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Why Are Honda Civic Cars Prone to Catalytic Converter Theft?

Honda Hatchback

Over the past few years, Honda Civic cars have become a prime target for catalytic converter theft. This is due to several reasons:

  • Easy accessibility: The catalytic converter in Honda Civic cars is located underneath the car, making it easy for thieves to access and steal it.
  • High demand for parts: The catalytic converter contains precious metals such as platinum, palladium, and rhodium, which are in high demand in the black market for their use in jewelry, electronics, and automotive parts.
  • Lack of security measures: Older Honda Civic models do not have any security measures in place to prevent catalytic converter theft, making them an easy target for thieves.

According to What Car?, Honda Civic cars are particularly vulnerable to catalytic converter theft because of how the exhaust system is designed.

The catalytic converter is located close to the engine, which means that it is easier to remove and steal than in other cars where it is located further down the exhaust system.

It is important for Honda Civic owners to take proactive measures to protect their cars from catalytic converter theft.

This can include installing security devices such as catalytic converter locks or alarms, parking in well-lit areas, and being aware of any suspicious activity in the area.

How Many Catalytic Converters Does a Honda Civic Have?

When it comes to Honda Civic models, the number of catalytic converters can vary.

Generally, most Honda Civic models have two catalytic converters. However, there are some exceptions to this rule.

The 7th generation Honda Civic, which was produced from 2001 to 2005, only has one catalytic converter.

On the other hand, the rare 2008 Honda Civic Mugen Si has three catalytic converters.

It’s important to note that the number of catalytic converters in a Honda Civic can depend on the specific model and year.

Therefore, it’s always a good idea to check the owner’s manual or consult a trusted mechanic to determine the number of catalytic converters in a particular Honda Civic.

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How Can You Tell You Had Your Honda Civic Catalytic Converter Stolen?

If you own a Honda Civic, you may be at risk of having your catalytic converter stolen.

Thieves target these devices because they contain valuable metals like platinum, palladium, and rhodium.

If you suspect that your catalytic converter has been stolen, here are some signs to look for:

  • A loud, roaring engine: Without a catalytic converter, your car’s engine will be much louder than usual.
  • Smokier and smellier exhaust: A missing catalytic converter can cause your car’s exhaust to be darker and more pungent than usual.
  • Poor engine performance: Your car may not run as smoothly as it used to without a functioning catalytic converter.
  • An engine warning light: If your car’s computer detects the catalytic converter is missing or malfunctioning, it will turn on the check engine light.

If you notice any of these signs, it’s important to take action right away. Not only is driving without a catalytic converter bad for the environment, but it can also be dangerous for you and your passengers.

Contact your local authorities and report the theft. They may be able to pull footage from the area and identify the thief.

You should also contact your insurance company to report the theft and see if you’re covered for the cost of a replacement. Finally, take your car to a trusted repair shop to have a new catalytic converter installed.

Can You Drive Honda Civic Without a Catalytic Converter?

Steering wheel close up

While it is technically possible to drive a Honda Civic without a catalytic converter, it is not recommended.

The catalytic converter is an essential part of the exhaust system that helps to reduce harmful emissions that come out of the engine.

Without it, the car will produce more pollutants that can harm the environment and can lead to a failed emissions test.

Driving without a catalytic converter can also affect the performance of the car. The engine may not run as smoothly, and there may be a noticeable decrease in power and acceleration.

Additionally, the car may make new sounds due to the increased exhaust noise.

It is important to note that driving without a catalytic converter is also against the law. In many places, emissions testing is required in order to renew your car’s registration.

If your car does not pass the emissions test, you will not be able to legally drive it on the road.

Therefore, it is highly recommended that you replace your stolen or damaged catalytic converter as soon as possible.

You can also take preventative measures to avoid catalytic converter theft, such as parking in well-lit areas or installing anti-theft devices.

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How Can You Prevent Honda Civic Catalytic Converter Theft?

Use code FWISE to get 5% off

Use code FWISE to get 5% off

Catalytic converter theft is a growing problem for Honda Civic owners. Thieves target the precious metals inside the converter, which can fetch a high price on the black market.

Fortunately, there are steps you can take to reduce the risk of theft.

One of the most effective ways to prevent catalytic converter theft is to install an anti-theft device. There are several different types of devices available, including:

  • Catalytic converter shields
  • Cable locks
  • Cage clamps
  • Alarm systems

Each type of device has its own pros and cons, so it’s important to do your research and choose the one that’s right for you.

Some devices may require professional installation, while others can be installed at home with basic tools.

In addition to installing an anti-theft device, there are other steps you can take to reduce the risk of catalytic converter theft:

  • Park your car in a well-lit area
  • Park your car in a garage if possible
  • Avoid parking your car on the street for extended periods of time
  • Engrave your VIN number on the converter
  • Use high-temperature fluorescent orange paint to make the converter less attractive to thieves

By taking these steps, you can reduce the risk of catalytic converter theft and protect your Honda Civic from this costly crime.

What Honda Cars Are Targeted for Catalytic Converter Theft?

Honda dealership with cars in front

According to a study by CARFAX, Honda cars are some of the most commonly targeted vehicles for catalytic converter theft. The following models are at the top of the list:

  • Honda Accord (1989 – 2020)
  • Honda CR-V (1997 – 2020)
  • Honda Element (2003 – 2011)

The Accord is particularly vulnerable due to its larger engine and more valuable catalytic converter.

Thieves can steal a catalytic converter in just a few minutes using a small reciprocating saw, making it a quick and easy target.

It’s important for Honda owners to take precautions to prevent catalytic converter theft.

This may include parking in well-lit areas, using a catalytic converter lock or shield, or etching the vehicle’s VIN number onto the converter to make it easier to track if stolen.

It’s also worth noting that while the above models are the most commonly targeted, any Honda car could potentially be at risk for catalytic converter theft.

It’s important for all Honda owners to be aware of the issue and take steps to protect their vehicles.

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